Depending on the size and complexity of the solar plant or solar park, quality assurance construction supervision is carried out in the appropriate level of detail:
- construction supervision
- Examination of the planning documents
- Review of schedules
- Continuous monitoring of the execution quality of the construction work
- Metrological tests
- Identification of defects, notification of defects, tracking and correction

- monitoring of test phase/sample operation
- Monitoring and evaluation of the trial operation
- Recording and evaluation of the performance curves
- Analysis and evaluation of the performance values of the entire plant and comparison with the contractually guaranteed performance
- acceptances
- Inspection of the entire plant and detailed examination of central plant components
- Performance of metrological tests, comparison with contract contents
- Checking the documentation
Your advantages:
- Early detection of deviations in performance characteristics
- Early detection of technical defects
- Prompt initiation of countermeasures
- Detailed proof of function and performance before acceptance Ensuring the conformity of the services owed

Additional tests before the expiry of guarantees
- In good time before the expiry of warranty and guarantees, the previous technical operation is assessed. Potential defects are identified at an early stage.
- Important plant components are examined in detail
- Measurement of the current-voltage characteristics at string and module level
- Inspection of system safety (lightning protection, overvoltage protection, etc.)
- Review of the previous elimination of defects
Quality has its price. Of course, we will consult experts from certified external monitoring organisations if required. But remember: quality assurance pays off.